How do Hindus worship?
Hindu traditional clothes help us to see what Hindus look like when they worship.
Please see below for regular Maple Class updates
Hindu traditional clothes help us to see what Hindus look like when they worship.
Maple Class have been puttting their understanding of persuasive writing into practise, by persuading each other to visit Tower Bridge.
We enjoyed our wonderful Christmas lunch altogether as a school, it was super tasty. We also shared our jokes and enjoyed the toys in the crackers! We even got to have a little conga around the hall afterwards.
Maple Class made their own lever system in D&T!
We had a fantastic time at the pantomime...oh yes we did!
We have been creating our own Stone Age dances!
Don't we look festive!
Maple had a fantastic Christmas Craft Day!
We had the most wonderful trip to Brackenhurst to learn about the Stone Age.
Stone Age Boy Role Play!
Maple Class had a super Children in Need Day!
Maple loved being a part of 'Campfire' evening!